[obsolescence: op-ed]
Sunday, October 16, 2005
you really gave those lizards the business
Happy birthday party Calvin. Sorry I had to leave, but if you be my Original Gangster I'll be your Original Monster.


- -- - --ANNOUNCEMENT -- -- -

October 28 2005

We will drink to forget our problems
We will dance to forget our feet
We will wear costumes to forget who we are

the time is here for the halloween cheer
the non-costumed will be ridiculed
the naked will be forgeven for being non-costumed

at the crypt of mark julia vanessa
call txt msn or email for details / confirmation that you are invited

our place is pretty elevated so it thankfully escaped the wrath of rita and katrina
Saturday, October 15, 2005
the sun is the moon / water chestnut / rise rise rise
My hands smell like vitamins. Could be worse, I guess.

Rediscovered my love of this city when it's totally asleep again last night. 5-6am is a strange other world here. Toronto is subject to a lot of NYC comparisons, but one of the things that sets us apart is that this city goes to bed eventually. As bustling as we are, we're still good canucks at heart and we know when to have our cider and tuck into the flannel. Or at least most of us do.

Important decisions are usually the hardest to make. And they're never as clear as they should be. Even the ultimately correct choice might be difficult to swallow. But you know this, whoever you are, and apparently there are people out there reading this. That's weird. Go read something worthwhile, people! There are four other, interesting blogs hyperlinked in the sidebar over there ------->

Anyways, yeah. Decisions. Questions. Here are some of those: Are friendships like investments? Or relationships of any kind? Does that make me a horrible person for asking that? Buy low, sell high? I'm not at all saying that I subscribe to this philosophy, just raising the point, that's all.
Are some people just good to have in your portfolio? Do these investments mature overe time?

Wow, I kind of want to punch myself in the balls for even thinking that paragraph. Alright, hate it/me if you want, for the sake of e-honesty I'm not deleting it.

i guess you have to know the rules before you can break them...