I've been getting thousands and thousands of emails asking about the history of GET OFF THAT THING! So I thought I'd appease all of you and post up some nostalgia. Most GET OFF THAT THING!s weren't documented, hence the addition of the disposeale camera rule. The few that were lucky enough to be documented are priceless though...

Alright this one was taken on October 1, 2001. Calvin and Mikey and Josh Zaslow kidnapped Tristan and I and took us to Toronto for the Ben Folds concert. It kicked ass. Before the show we got pumped up by playing GET OFF THAT THING! at the motherfucking SKYDOME. Back when it was called the Skydome, and back when we didn't live here so we could do touristy things. This is an extremely ambitious GET OFF THAT THING! Calvin is that little dude way up on the platform there. You might want to click on the picture and zoom in to catch the little nuances. I like that Calvin is looking skyward, completely oblivious to Tristan down below telling him to GET OFF THAT THING! I realy like Tristan's technique here. This is why he is one of the originals and still one of the best. Square shoulders, open stance, fucking nice pointing extension. Strong, solid body language.

Josh Zaslow got on a water fountain near the Skydome that same day. Later in life he grew to despise GET OFF THAT THING!, and maybe this photo explains why. He is obviously shocked and scared by Mikey's very agressive GET OFF THAT THING! It's a bit much, and maybe Zaslow didn't deserve this, but it's still a good GET OFF THAT THING! from Mikey. It's an intense game, and sometimes our emotions get the better of us.

Late fall, 2001. I was on some weird go-kart thing in Calvin's driveway, trying to ride it like a skateboard. Calvin took the picture and tole me to GET OFF THAT THING! Why would I want to GET OFF THAT THING!? Look at how much fun I was having!
Oh, youth.

This one is from our retarded road trip to Gatineau, Que. in March 2002. Everyone is probably pretty solidly stoned in this picture. Well, let's see - early 2002, March Break, Quebec, Kyle was with us - yep, we're stoned. Scott has a hostage in this episode of GET OFF THAT THING! Scott is on the toilet, looking suprisingly bewildered and innocent, wearing his long-lost "Liquor Barn" hat. Mikey's positioning here is great as he tells Scott to "GET OFF THAT THING!" Mikey's use of levels makes Scott's perch seem much higher, and thus more imminently in need of getting off of. Mikey is captured in mid-speech here which is strangely a rarity in GET OFF THAT THING! pictures.
Calvin is not telling Scott to GET OFF THAT THING!, contrary to what you might assume. Notice he is not pointing. Calvin's is not playing the game, he is genuinely concerned for the well-being of Scott's hostage, the Mr. Bean doll. That doll arrived under Calvin's Christmas tree the previous year. "To Calvin and his friends. Love Santa."
Remember when Mr. Bean got an e-mail account and sent everyone that scary and offensive e-mail? That was weird, eh? Well, here's the secret.
It was Scotty all along.
The walrus was Paul.
Good blog though, those pictures are old old old.
we are cool cool cool
you fooled us for so long!
I will kill you all
Mr. Bean
P.S. Scotty was my hostage