[obsolescence: op-ed]
Monday, April 03, 2006
you guys should form a band called come on come on come on come on
So apparently I'm pulling an all-nighter. Local glam-goth rave-slave establishment Funhaus / Zen Lounge is partially responsible; the endless thumping bass coming across the street and through my wall has rendered sleeping an exercise in annoyance. So I made a protein shake. Then I went to Abraham's shitty little bodega downstairs and got three Red Bulls. Don't worry, I'll space them out. Now I'm blogging. This will help get my essay(s) done for sure.


"Superstylin'" by Groove Armada should be banned from everywhere until forever. I know, the horn sample is kind of fun, and their thing at Glastonbury a couple years ago was passable, but it's more annoying than an airport lounge full of homeless people. I'd rather drink cough syrup and listen to "How Bizarre" on repeat (actually that could be fun...?).

I've got a seriously painful little red rager brewing up on my chin. Life is over. I might as well be a War Amps Champ.

Dear Everyone Who is Alive Everywhere,
Please always scrape and rinse your dishes. Always. If you own a dishwasher you may forego rinsing, but not scraping is still a must. There is never an acceptable reason for not doing this.
Common Sense

If anyone has the impresion that I'm unhappy, I'm not. I'm just unhappy with what I'm doing and mistakes I've made.

After further consideration, I think that drinking cough syrup and listening to OMC over and over would make me Scarborough all over myself.

How is it that you get floaters and sinkers in the same batch? I'd love it if someone could actually research this and tell me. Junior, I'm e-looking in your direction, I know you're keen!

Brie loves to dance to Indian music. She likes the one like "doo dodo doooo do-da-dooo dooo, doo dodo doooo do-da-dooo dooo..."

I started writing a screenplay last year but I haven't touched it in a while. I had to give it up; inspiration is fickle like that. It was about temporariness and the end of society. Right now I'm into permanence and apocalypse-denial. Society might be the only thing that saves us.

I don't like nearly as much as Update your bookmarks accordingly.

I should really find something to do this summer that will prevent me from going back to school full time. How about fulfillment? That sounds great. I'll find fulfillment. Words, maybe you guys can help me. Ok Mark, we'll help you. Thanks guys, you're still on my Christmas card list btw.
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger Tristan said...
Mark, things may not be over with the screenplay, when it comes to writing inspiration can come and go, but if it comes back don't ignore it, keep it going. Writing isn't easy as you of course know, but don't never go back to it if you regain the inspiration.

Blogger Tristan said...
Dude, I know school sucks, but you've gone this far, you should really just get your degree. I mean I wanted to quit too, but it's like 3 years in, it's an unwritten rule that you don't drop out now. If you really hate U of T, look at some other schools or something, or just suck it up and keep going. In this day and age, having a degree is almost essential, or so we've been told...

Now is a good time to take risks, but we're less than 2 years into our 20's, we have lot's of time...

Blogger calvin said...
hey marko, you should come to London this weekend if you are available. a pre-exam bender, for fun. The end of the modern world is a GOOD thing. Its like breaking up from a relationship with stupidity, but we are all doing it, and we are all in this together! in fact, us, we, thee, already sort of sense that this relationship is a little explosive and we need to 'take a break' or 'take a brake'.
And yo so I want to sit down to a couple of beers with you and tristan, and talk some real words into eachother. So come down this weekend, and we can get this shit on. tear this bitch down.
-Christmas card going to your step sister and her husband.
ps when is safe to take down your birthday or christmas cards and put them away? and can you throw them out? or do you put them in a basket and keep it somewhere where noone goes?

commander calvin

Blogger calvin said...
also, feel free to fuck up and do something stupid in your life. i'll be there cheering you on the whole way, even if nobody else is.

Blogger SH said...
I have your back... even if I'm indecisive...and I apologize for that. I think that you have a lot of great insight...and I know no matter what I say will sound cliche or cheesy. But I should say it anyways because its what I think.

Your life is your own.... its right fucking there.... all for the taking, you can have whatever you want. You didn't make mistakes, because they've lead you to ask more questions which you will eventually know the answer to.

The decision you make is right, because you never know what that other answer will be.

Don't worry I've got my eye on you. (so do all your friends)

Blogger Tristan said...
Yeah Marko, come to London this weekend, I'm gonna be there so that should add some incentive

Luv Big Bear

Blogger calvin said...
oooh big bear is so cute.

We are (weather permitting) going to go and drink beer and have a fire in the wilderness. work it baby work it.