[obsolescence: op-ed]
Thursday, August 31, 2006

I love everyone who comes, but if you don't come, it doesn't mean I don't love you. It just means you're a bad friend or have another commitment.

There really is no need to RSVP, but if you want to it'd be nice... Do it in the comments section or to my email, or call Julia or Dayn or myself.

Bring whoever if they're cool, and BYOB.

Fun for all.
Blogger passthejuice said...
I forgot to add, bring whoever, within reason. And you don't NEED to bring cake. But byob.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
This is my RVSP. However I thought I already did this. On another note, Im in a cyber cafe, so if you need question the authenticity, ask Jess, Im chattin to her right now.


Blogger calvin said...
Little Calvin will be there, I CANT WAIT!
Write me down to get on up!

Blogger The Unbelievable said...
Fun fun FuN fUN FUN

Blogger june_yah said...
Marko thanks again and that party was freakin great. Whens the next one?