[obsolescence: op-ed]
Monday, September 11, 2006
nobody brought cake though
Last night was the extremely successful "2nd Annual 518 Party Formerly Known as the September 11th Party". We really turned our apartment around and have it configured as a properly rockin' pad now (for evidence, please come by), and we decided to open it up.

Jules and I and our new roomie Dayn were outstanding hosts.

Scotty was here to make his last stand before returning to Scotland for another school year. He is seen here sporting his almost-five-months-late custom polo shirt birthday gift from yours truly. Lookin' sharp.

Junior was there, too.

He was actually the first one to show up at like, 8:30, sweating like a man 'cause he just fucking flew here on his skateboard. Although I sort of knew Junior from the blogosphere, I had never met him in person before. It was an event we were both eagerly anticipating. He walked up the stairs into the apartment and Julia greeted him thusly:
"Who are you?"

518 Alumnus Victoria Baltuis made it down from Waterpoo for the event. Victoria lived with us for a couple months last year, before Natty, after the little living room. Dayn just moved into her old room a few days ago.

Warren and Zorana came and got fucking loaded. Diana's friend Vicki was not exactly un-loaded herself.

Starla and Thanh were super pooped from V-Fest all day but they came out for a bit anyway. Kyle was working on two beers but the guy is such a pro two beers is like drinking baby spit for him. Dude gets his trainer to punch him in the face while he's doing situps. Apparently it makes it like, ten times more intense.

Kyle also brought my favourite motherfucker ever, Max! Kyle said that Max told him he "wanted to get fucking wasted" so Kyle had to bring him along! Max is literally a party animal. He licked a lot and ran around a lot. That sketchy little asian guy was really afraid of him.

Sarah Henning graced us with her presence.

Jess and Michelle.


It's true, why else would it be on his shirt?

If you've ever had a conversation with Jess, you'll understand what I'm feeling here. And here.

Uh-Oh! Julia got on that thing! Around 12 people pointed and yelled GET OFF THAT THING! I almost cried.

Lana took Calvin and I into the little vanity half-bahroom and had her way with us.

This is what everything started to look like as the night wore on.

Check this out! We tried to look sober and upright for an old-times'-sake kind of nostalgia session. I think Lana has a less-blurry version of this pic. Still heartwarming though.

We kept it going until almost seven in the morning. A couple rounds of disoriented Scattergories and a GET OFF THAT THING! excursion brought us to sunrise.

I woke up to find Junior sleeping in the hallway.

And this invitation on my sunscreen bottle. Mark your calendars now!
Blogger june_yah said...
Dude the 'Pink Machine' as I will call it, is comfy to sit on and a little lumpy to sleep on. However it was pretty a sweet deal as I didn't have to skate home half drunk and nearly falling asleep. Whens the next party?

Blogger june_yah said...
Oh and Cora's the next morning rocked.

Blogger Jess said...
I think I'm going to start compiling a list of things to say to you for whenever someone takes a picture of the two of us together.

(Although I really did think the conversion to Judaism was a good one to tell you on the spot. I was only half-joking.)

I enjoyed myself thoroughly. But this, you know.

Blogger Tristan said...
Dude I can't believe I fucking missed your party. I could cry. Seriously, it makes me want to cry knowing what I missed. I am a fucker. A fucking loser. BTW, I like your eagle shirt. I too picked up a shirt with an eagle on it in New York. It says Denver Colorado on it. Under it I want it to say, "In the heart of AMUURIKA!!" I need someone with good grafiti penmanship to put it on there though....

I can't fucking believe I wasn't there!!! Fuck me!! FUUUUUCK!

Blogger june_yah said...
I also forgot cake. In fact I didn't have any for my birthday. This means one thing: Dominion Run!

Blogger passthejuice said...
tristan, dude don't worry about it, i'm sure you had a fucking amazing time on your road trip and i can't wait to hear all about it. this just means that we'll have to get twice as drunk as normal the next time we hang out.

junior, let's have cake

Anonymous Anonymous said...
ha! I beat the system bitches!
great party marko. you KNOW i'll be at the next one. the only problem with your parties is, i've got no chance to be the life of it. or maybe that's the best part of your parties, either way i'm not a big cake fan so I'm glad that you exist.

Blogger june_yah said...
How about this Sunday?

Blogger calvin said...
i'm in if there's a sunday party. ill be in town

Blogger june_yah said...
Marko whats the word then?

Blogger passthejuice said...

umm... ok how about this.

sunday night we can have beer and foosball and maybe cake?

but i have to pack all day and I fly out monday morning... so i'm going to go with no party. but i mean, everyone who reads this is more than welcome to come over and have a laugh

Blogger june_yah said...
beer and cake. I can work that.