The night after the day they were woken from their ancient sleep, we drifted off in a present-day mirror of their last embrace.

You slept peacefully, nude; as I watched you watching your neurons fire and eyelids flutter I couldn't help but think of those two.

And the two of us, and all of our time.

And that nagging question in the back of our minds.

Where will you be when it happens?

The gears stop turning, the phone stops ringing, the snow stops falling.
The moment when the clock stops, the lights go off, when lines mean nothing - borders even less - and we all put our boots on and walk out of our cities.

There is nothing greater we as a generation can do than face our fear and our future in the eye and fight for our survival. Unknown, untapped resevoirs of bravery must be summoned to live with our plight.

I can't help but return to the two neolithic lovers... In the moment when all hope is lost they turn their backs to the world and say bravery is not found through meeting the eye of the executioner but is found in the eyes of love.
And I try to summon that courage.
Happy early Valentines Day to all with the courage in their hearts to fight the future.
More on the skeletons here.